Simon Osorio

Game Programmer & Designer



The city needs your help to repair a massive mysterious pile of cars. It’s a race against time, as you’ll need to repair as many cars as possible each day to meet the minimum cash required to pay your rent.

You’ll need to work quickly and efficiently to diagnose and fix a wide range of problems, from flat tires to engine trouble. Remember, time is of the essence, so keep an eye on the clock and work as quickly as you can to repair as many cars as possible. Are you up for the challenge?

Project Information

Roles: Lead Programmer | Game Designer

Team size: 2

Time frame: 1 week

Engine: Unity

Involvement & Acquired Knowledge

This was my first 3D project, however it’s concept was pretty interesting, and quite playable for the low experience I had at the time it was developed. I got to figure out how to make a 3D character controller, from  implementing animations to make it move around. I also had to design from scratch a mini-game system during the main loop.


This way, I programmed a spawn system with pooling for the cars, and a probability system depending on car difficulty to balance the time that players take completing each task. Then it was time to create simple mini-games that would work as tasks to do while fixing cars.

Showcase Teaser
